Diana Redfern is commonly known as DB. She is a designer, artist and playful activist who loves life and learning.

She has a flair for communicating complex ideas and co-creating simple solutions by focusing on purpose, impact and action.

She effortlessly reveals the big picture, teasing out the detail that matters and finds creative solutions for different audiences, clients and customers.

Her considerable skills as an inventive illustrator feeds her approach and she helps you to discover fresh, accessible and flexible ideas.
She is an emerging conceptual artist who wants to communicate concepts with humour rather than making the audience feel inadequate.
Get in touch if you like the sound of her work. Let’s do something interesting together.
DB REDFERN_db@iamwhatido.me_+44 7731484723
INFLUENCES: Ken Robinson, Plato, Ada Lovelace and The Velvet Underground
EXPERT IN: communication; community; creativity and curiosity; partnerships and placemaking.