I am most proud of …

I am the founder of Windmill Hill and Victoria Park’s Art on the Hill arts trail. Successfully running for the last 17 years, I’m immersed in the trail as performer, exhibitor & visitor. Its my proudest achievement work wise.

My proudest achievement home wise is exactly that. It’s the home that me and Dave and Eve and Milo have made for ourselves and each other. I love spending time with my family more than anything.

27 years ago, as Network Manager, I was Network Lead Teacher for BT’s Open World networked schools pilot project. The pilot was used to inform the National Grid for Learning (NGfL) and my Hartcliffe and Withywood Network was one of only three school networks in the UK to be connected to the internet in 1997.

Having to write a letter of apology to the mayor, Marvin Rees for putting on such an unexpectedly successful event that it caused so much traffic chaos in Henbury that the police had to get involved. Oops! Give a big whoop-whoop for The 2018 Easter Sunday Fairy Door Trail at Blaise Castle House Museum.

The two internet art projects that me and my husband, Dave Redfern worked on together: Riokids in 2002, and especially 12 Days from 2003.

Riokids: https://www.watershed.co.uk/archive-sites/riokids/index.htm

12 Days of Christmas: https://www.watershed.co.uk/archive-sites/12days